How it all started

"Baking is in my blood!"

I come from a long line of amazing cooks and bakers.  My fondest memories are sitting around my Mammaw’s Sunday table and my mother’s kitchen table every night feasting on simple but delicious meals. My 3 siblings and I never realized my mother was stretching a dime to feed us memorable meals.  I didn’t always like what was presented before me, but was always made to “eat at least 2 bites”. Those 2 bites grew into a love of different dishes and experimenting with flavorful ingredients.
My mother and sister developed a talent for decorating cakes for family and friend’s celebrations.  I never had the patience or talent for cake decorating.  I was more interested in the flavors I could create.
Some 20 years ago, I found a small cheesecake recipe book on a display shelf at the checkout of a local grocery store.  The turtle cheesecake on the cover looked so amazing I had to buy it. This was my first attempt at making cheesecake. Luckily Mammaw had an old slide springform pan that I used to start my passion that would later turn into a full time business.
With the help of friends, local businesses, and generous family members we  opened Aunt Mo’s Cheesecakes on November 16, 2021. 

Monna, O’Kelley Owner and Creator

Now with family by my side, we are able to dream and create
delicious flavorful fresh cheesecakes!

~Aunt Mo